A CoatHook to Benefit
Southwest Florida House Rabbit Rescue
$ 19.95
$ 19.95
About This Fundraiser

This fundraiser benefits Southwest Florida House Rabbit Rescue. Its motto “Respect for Rabbits” reflects its mission to not only help rabbits who are in peril but also to elevate the status of domestic rabbits to that of other companion animals, help save the lives of rabbits through education, advocacy, and adoptions, and garner respect for rabbits.
SWFLHRR’s founders, Jennifer Macbeth and Lisa Walkup, had beloved pet rabbits when they met in 2015. As children, each had been given “Easter bunnies” who, in that day, were housed in outside hutches where they were ignored and lonely. By contrast, the “buns" in their care now are family members with indoor comforts and companionship, regular medical care, a proper diet, toys, and space to play.
Back in 2015, when a veterinarian asked them to help six rabbits who needed homes, the women found loving forever homes for all of them. They soon became the go-to resource for abandoned, injured, abused, and unwanted domestic rabbits. Eventually, they began to realize the magnitude of the need, which was straining their resources, and they knew they couldn’t continue to do it alone.
With guidance from the Georgia House Rabbit Society, Jen and Lisa launched SWFLHRR as a certified non-profit organization, and they recruited about 15 volunteers who have helped them answer a dire need in Florida. The organization takes in about 50 rabbits a year, rehabilitates those who need medical or psychological intervention, and finds loving forever homes for them. Until the rabbits can be adopted, they're placed in foster homes rather than a shelter setting.
Funds we donate from CoatHook sales on this page help cover expenses for veterinary care, food and supplies, transportation, SWFLHRR’s spay / neuter and educational programs, and their advocacy work. Thank you for your support!
About This Product

The CoatHook gathers and removes shedding undercoat fur from cats, dogs, and rabbits without pulling or cutting the outer layers of fur, the way some pet combs do.
The CoatHook’s long tines reach through the outer layer of fur, and the small hooks at the ends of the tines gently but very effectively gather and remove downy shedding undercoat fur.
A series of graduated hooks along the top of the tines can be used to gently tease out tangled fur.
The CoatHook works really well on dogs that have coats that shed, such as Labs, Collies, Shepherds, and mixed breeds, as well as medium-long to long-haired cats.
Watch the video below to learn more about the CoatHook and see it in action.
Made in Maine, USA.