A CoatHook to Benefit
Kopy Kat Sanctuary
$ 19.95
$ 19.95
About This Fundraiser

$5 of every CoatHook sold from this page goes to Kopy Kat Sanctuary, an all-volunteer organization helping needy felines in southwest Pennsylvania.
The sanctuary’s founder and a handful of volunteers dedicate much of their time and personal income caring for 150+ cats in need, providing shelter, food, water, love, and veterinary care for sanctuary cats and kittens until they’re adopted into loving homes — and for the rest of their lives, when necessary.

KKS also helps folks who care about stray and feral cats in their neighborhoods by supporting efforts to trap the cats, get them to a low-cost clinic to be neutered, and return them to their colonies — a practice known as "Trap-Neuter-Return" — to stop the vicious cycle of breeding that leads to overpopulation of homeless cats. When necessary, they also help to establish feral colonies in locations where unadoptable cats already exist.
The good folks at KKS also work to educate citizens about how essential spay/neuter is for reducing and preventing homeless cat populations to begin with. As shelters and sanctuaries like this one fill to capacity, it’s more important than ever to emphasize practices that prevent homelessness.
Thank you for purchasing your CoatHook — The Feel-Good Pet Comb — from this page to support Kopy Kat Sanctuary.
About This Product

The CoatHook gathers and removes shedding undercoat fur from cats, dogs, and rabbits without pulling or cutting the outer layers of fur, the way some pet combs do.
The CoatHook’s long tines reach through the outer layer of fur, and the small hooks at the ends of the tines gently but very effectively gather and remove downy shedding undercoat fur.
A series of graduated hooks along the top of the tines can be used to gently tease out tangled fur.
The CoatHook works really well on dogs that have coats that shed, such as Labs, Collies, Shepherds, and mixed breeds, as well as medium-long to long-haired cats.
Watch the video below to learn more about the CoatHook and see it in action.
Made in Maine, USA.