A CoatHook to Benefit Forever Home Feline Ranch
$ 19.95
$ 19.95
About This Fundraiser

This fundraising page is dedicated to supporting Forever Home Feline Ranch, a no-cage, no-kill cat sanctuary in central Illinois whose mission it is to provide or find a forever home for every stray or unwanted cat and to make central Illinois a no-kill community by ending euthanasia as a method of controlling the homeless feline population.
FHFR is an all-volunteer organization supported solely by donations from the community. About 50 volunteers dedicate their time to coordinating intake and adoptions, maintaining the sanctuary, and raising funds to support the shelter’s operational needs.
The group organized in 2009 in response to proposed state legislation that would have required animal control officers in Illinois to seize and impound any cat found “at large,” even those whose owners had let them out of their house for only a short period. Impounded cats land in shelters where their fates are grim. While the legislation was ultimately dropped, cats were still thought to be both disposable and expendable. They are euthanized at twice the rate of dogs, while their adoption rate is only one-third that of dogs. In 2008, 60,000 cats were euthanized as a form of population control.
FHFR founders wanted to solve this problem by providing a safe, feline-friendly sanctuary for cats who are unwanted or who can no longer be supported by their owners. The ranch model was inspired by several well-established and successful cat rescue organizations, including The Cat House on The Kings in California, which the CoatHook also supports in this fundraising program.
FHFR has saved the lives of over 400 cats since it began. The organization expects to place about 200 cats on average each year into forever homes. Health, temperament, and age are primary factors that go into determining whether cats and kittens can be adopted out or will remain as permanent ranch residents. Currently, about 35 cats are permanent residents of the ranch, including barn and feral cats.
Funds raised through CoatHook sales from this page support health and wellness care for cats and kittens, insurance, and general maintenance and supplies needed to maintain the ranch.
About This Product

The CoatHook gathers and removes shedding undercoat fur from cats, dogs, and rabbits without pulling or cutting the outer layers of fur, the way some pet combs do.
The CoatHook’s long tines reach through the outer layer of fur, and the small hooks at the ends of the tines gently but very effectively gather and remove downy shedding undercoat fur.
A series of graduated hooks along the top of the tines can be used to gently tease out tangled fur.
The CoatHook works really well on dogs that have coats that shed, such as Labs, Collies, Shepherds, and mixed breeds, as well as medium-long to long-haired cats.
Watch the video below to learn more about the CoatHook and see it in action.
Made in Maine, USA.