A CoatHook to Benefit
Granite State Dog Recovery
$ 19.95
$ 19.95
About This Fundraiser
Granite State Dog Recovery has a super special place in our hearts. Back in 2006, we were fostering dogs for several local rescue groups, and we learned through one of them about three-year-old Brandon, who had been transported from Arkansas (a four-day transport in a truck filled with about a hundred dogs) to Derry, New Hampshire, where a couple had adopted him. The day after he arrived, while he was still reeling from the ordeal he’d been through, they let him off-leash, and he bolted. It was February, and it was blizzard season with sub-zero temps. And Brandon was gone, into the snow drifts.

I, Lisa, could not get this boy out of my head. I imagined the worst...frostbitten ears and toes....Brandon navigating a web of highways that surround Derry...
A few good friends and I dropped everything and went to New Hampshire to look for Brandon, posting flyers, and getting as many eyes out for him as possible.
We posted a notice on Craigslist about Brandon, and a local woman stepped up to help. Her name was Holly Mokrzecki. Her devotion to pitching in and helping to find Brandon was unbelievable. She was out there always, in the wee-est of hours, driving around looking and putting feeding stations out for him. She stayed up with me through very late hours monitoring humane traps.
After three weeks on the run, Brandon finally trusted and went into a humane trap, and he was safe. Holly was waiting with me in a 24-hour Dunkin’ Donuts when the volunteer monitoring one of our traps called at 3:25 am to say he was safe.
This, as it would turn out, was the beginning of Granite State Dog Recovery. Holly went on to learn as much as she could about how best to find lost dogs, and she built a network of volunteers committed to this cause. Since then, GSDR has played a big part in finding and rescuing countless lost dogs.
$5 of every CoatHook sold from this page goes to Granite State Dog Recovery to help them cover costs for equipment like trail cameras and humane traps, as well as incidentals like gas, bait food, paper for flyers, lamination, etc.
We could not be any happier than we are when we send funds to this organization to help keep them going — to give them the financial resources to get more lost dogs home safely.
About This Product

The CoatHook gathers and removes shedding undercoat fur from cats, dogs, and rabbits without pulling or cutting the outer layers of fur, the way some pet combs do.
The CoatHook’s long tines reach through the outer layer of fur, and the small hooks at the ends of the tines gently but very effectively gather and remove downy shedding undercoat fur.
A series of graduated hooks along the top of the tines can be used to gently tease out tangled fur.
The CoatHook works really well on dogs that have coats that shed, such as Labs, Collies, Shepherds, and mixed breeds, as well as medium-long to long-haired cats.
Watch the video below to learn more about the CoatHook and see it in action.
Made in Maine, USA.